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Chiropractic Is A Way Of Life And Health

Dr. Shaye adjusting a patient's neckIt’s about seeking causes and addressing them, connecting you to your true potential rather than masking or even causing new problems. It’s about prevention, not just cure.

How is Western medical care faring?

According to Johns’ Hopkins University, medical errors are America’s #3 killer.1 That’s 250,000 annual deaths — not including deaths from so-called “properly prescribed” medications. Chew on this quote: “Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death… around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly.” 2 Apparently our “health care” system isn’t so very healthy.

Look in America’s medicine cabinets and purses, and you’ll likely find Tylenol. It’s an effective painkiller. It’s great for a headaches or for monthly pain, right? Swallow this: Acetaminophen’s side effects include blunting our ability to experience pleasure. Like so many Western “fixes,” it’s a double-edged sword.

Our youth eat poorly, and many of them are guided by marketers rather than scientists. Consider Monster® Energy Drink. It boasts “fruit juice concentrate” and natural ginseng on its label. Healthy, right? It also packs a potent 160 mg of caffeine in a 16 FlOz can — basically 2 cups of coffee. Energy drinks are often used to “boost energy” when we’re tired — and they decrease the quality of waking hours with headaches and other neurological problems. At the end of the day they interfere with sleep — thus causing a craving for more energy drink. NOTE: Not only can caffeine cause headaches and insomnia, but withdrawal can also cause the same symptoms. The withdrawal process can last up to a year.

Chiropractic & acupuncture are about more than cracks and needles. We support your innate ability to heal your own body. Here are some life hacks from your Doctor of Chiropractic:

Consider sleep for energy and mental sharpness. Trouble sleeping? Acupuncture has powerful tools for that — and the needles are not as uncomfortable as you fear. They also don’t have any drugs on them. They tap into your body’s pharmacy, relying on what’s inside rather than anything foreign or disruptive to your body.

Feed your brain healthy input, limiting TV & negative input — your output will be determined by your input (you can’t put cheap fuel in a racecar and expect to win). Consider putting things in your mind that enhance your mindset and your ability to serve.

Worried about aging, disease, your mood, inflammation, cancer? Heed the Greek physician Hippocrates, who wrote: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This Greek physician wrote this cutting-edge quote 2400 years ago (!). And exercise has powerful effects for treatment and prevention, too.


About 50% of headaches have their source in the neck. Chiropractic is a great solution. Acupuncture too. While you’re at it, fix your sleep and hydration; and consider kicking the caffeine habit. And get your eyes checked now and again.

Studies show that people who integrate chiropractic into their lives use fewer medications, have less surgery and hospital visits, and enjoy higher quality of life. Live better, sustainably, with good choices that are normal… in the chiropractic way of life.



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